About us

The president’s message
During the years 90, I had the chance to travel several times in India and Nepal. In the framework of these trips, I have had the opportunity to offer my time and to help the most needy as well as in orphanages. After several missions volunteers who have marked forever, the vagaries of life, unfortunately, do not allowed me to continue these experiences.
It is only in 2007, as a result of a chance encounter, that I had the opportunity to help financially at a distance, a refuge for vulnerable children in Colombia. In March 2010, I went on side for the first time. Very quickly, after having been received by the Directors and have understood the operation of the shelter, I was shocked by the social distress which affects these children who have between 8 and 17 years, girls and boys. Behind most of the smiles that displayed the children actually hides a deep distress. Large numbers of these children are victims of sexual abuse and maltreatment. This refuge make a remarkable job due with what they have, which are manifestly insufficient.
This is how since 2010, with Hasmik, my wife, we bring our assistance to the children of this refuge, with the means at our disposal. We already went to on eight occasions on the spot and since I retired in April 2016, we are more regularly in Colombia, to be closer to these children and to conduct of educational and cultural projects to improve their daily lives. Indeed, over the years, your generosity has continued to grow. Therefore, the projects become more and more important for the greatest pleasure of all.
These are therefore the above events, which have motivated the creation of the Association SOLECITOS, which remains on a human scale. This association also allows to continue a financial management totally transparent with traceability of the donations received and spent. We continue to act in the same way without intermediary and without unnecessary cost. Of course we continue to take to our personal charge, all of our personal spending. Donations are exclusively and entirely used to perform and carry out the projects.
We can’t thank you enough for your support, your confidence and your generosity, which allows us to realize miracles for these children in distress.
— Vincent Guillan